Every day your clients face an increasing range of threats. Server problems, slow landing pages, broken links, frustrating mobile experiences, embarrassing spelling mistakes, changing SEO rules, 3rd party services breaking, or security issues that put their business at risk.

To make matters worse, these issues can linger unnoticed impacting the ROI of your marketing campaigns.

Hexometer helps agencies manage more clients and provide unrivaled service by continuously monitoring their clients websites so they can catch problems before they affect their customers.


Comprehensive monitoring for the most demanding clients

Go beyond traditional uptime monitoring. Hexometer provides 24/7 peace of mind by continuously monitoring your clients and their key services for issues and improvement opportunities.

Hexometer is like having your very own QA team, continuously auditing client websites across six core areas to catch downtime, slow pages, spelling or grammar mistakes, visual bugs across different device types, broken links, server or JS errors, SEO problems and security issues.

Designed for eCommerce

Built for agency teams & designed to make your agency shine

Hexometer features a multi-client agency dashboard to monitor all your clients in one workspace.

Share access with your team assigning issues and tasks to team members

Track issues, progress and fixes via our progress journal.

Hexometer works behind the scenes and enables your agency to create branded reports to make your team shine.

Get real-time notifications when issues are detected via email, Slack, Telegram, Discord & Trello. Hexometer can also connect to thousands of apps via Zapier, Integrately, SyncSpider, Pabbly Connect or custom webhooks.

agency 2
Get started in minutes, not weeks

Hexometer works in the cloud and requires zero participation from your clients technical teams to get started. Sign up, add your client and Hexometer starts monitoring 24/7.

AI sidekick to protect and grow eCommerce business

Synthetic monitoring to bulletproof your business

Standard monitors - uptime monitoring for any URL

Every minute counts when ad campaigns are running. With Hexometer you can deploy standard availability monitors on all your key landing pages to catch downtime and track HTTP response times down to every 60 seconds.

Standard monitors are ideal to keep a close eye on important landing pages, email servers, CDN, DNS, SFTP, RADIUS, POP3, IMAP and 3rd party services for downtime.

standard monitor
Uptime and Error monitoring
Advanced uptime monitors with keyword support to catch page level errors

Traditional uptime monitoring relies on HTTP response codes to detect downtime. With keyword based uptime monitoring you can check for the presence or absence of keywords on page to validate your uptime checks. This is ideal to catch errors or caching issues that would otherwise not be detected.

advanced monitoring

User experience monitoring to catch embarrassing issues before
they affect your client

Deliver a first class experience by continuously proofreading client websites for spelling or grammar mistakes catching typos or human errors after pages are published

Hexometer continuously performs multi-device UX testing at scale to ensure your clients pages display as intended.

Troubleshoot UX issues by performing on-demand user experience and monitor your progress through time.

user experience monitoring

Performance monitoring to spot slow loading pages before
they affect your conversion rate

Hexometer continuously monitors your clients for performance issues across desktop and mobile devices.

- Check how pages display on up to 7 different device types
- Analyze website performance on desktop and mobile devices
- Monitor page load speed
- Get actionable insights to fix performance issues

Troubleshoot performance issues by performing on-demand performance audits featuring Google Web Vitals on any page and monitor progress through time.

Performance monitoring & optimisations

Health monitoring to detect deal breaking errors, broken links and missing images

Website updates gone wrong, server issues or 3rd party services experiencing problems are like kryptonite for your clients. Causing pages, links, images or key functionality such as shopping carts not to work.

Hexometer continuously monitors websites for broken links, server errors, JS errors, missing images or problematic scripts that can sabotage a business.

Troubleshoot issues by performing on-demand page audits to uncover JS errors, W3C issues, server errors. Monitor your progress through time and get detailed debugging information to pinpoint or fix problems.

Broken link, server error and JS bug monitoring

SEO monitoring to improve and protect search engine traffic

Hexometer continuously monitors websites for SEO issues that can impact search engine performance highlighting problems and opportunities.

Hexometer keeps an eye on a wide range of factors including:

- Title and description meta tags
- Duplicate content issues
- Broken links
- Robots.txt
- Indexing issues
- Header Structure
- Sitemap issues
- Open Graph optimizations

Hexometer integrates with Google Search Console to provide page performance metrics and ranking metrics.

Troubleshoot SEO issues by performing on-demand performance audits and monitor progress through time.

SEO Optimisation

Security Monitoring to support client websites against cyber threats

Did you know that over thirty thousand websites are infected by some type of malware daily? Security issues can cause downtime, loss of reputation, blacklisted search rankings as well as a steep cost to fix and restore your website.

Hexometer continually checks if your client is blacklisted by the leading security authorities and keeps an eye on security headers, SSL best practices, blacklisted IP’s as well as their homepage for malicious URLs.

Troubleshoot security issues by performing on-demand audits and monitor your progress through time.

Security monitoring

Software Integrations

Get alerts via email, Telegram, Discord, Slack Trello or integrate with 1000 apps via our Zapier, Integrately, SyncSpider or Pabbly Connect integrations